Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wacom Handwriting Tablet

(For better or for worse)

This is a cool device, I welcome the additional method of input. First off I think it is worth saying that on the campus of Northwest Missouri State University the Wacom Handwriting Tablet had some problems, software problems. Half way through the semester the use of Handwriting Tablet was scrapped, this was due to a software problem that could not be resolved. I have located a possible fix in the for this problem, visit this website for a possible solution to this problem, it appears to have to do with a Windows XP update.

I like the tablet, it is fun to draw with but the handwriting recognition is not as fun. For me it goes back to the fact I don't like to write, I like to type. However I do like to draw. I don't know that I would ever use this in an office environment but I would definitely use it at home to draw with. Over all I think this is a pretty cool device, if I had the funds I would buy one.

1 comment:

Bus Ed Prof said...

Thanks for the Office 2007 potential fix for the wacom "going south."