Friday, May 1, 2009

Ad Free Internet Surfing

The internet has become a vile and toxic waste land of Ads that want to make us feel bad about ourselves so that we will buy what they are selling in the hopes it will aleveate some of the bad.

Here is a way to remove the ads from your browsing expirience.

First, if you don't have Firefox, download and install it, it is pretty straight forward of a process.

Click on any of the images to see a larger version of them.

Step 1.
Start Firefox. When it loads Click on Tools on the menu bar, then click Add-ons.

1. Tools menu
Step 2.
The Add-ons window will open. Click the picture of the box with the green arrow
that says "Get Add-ons", Then in the text box below that type "AdBlock Plus".

2. Add ons search

Step 3.
After a few seconds you should see something that looks like the picture below.
Down and to the right of the stop sign there is a button that says "Add to Firefox..."
click that button.

3. Select AdBlock Plus

Step 4.
The following window should appear. After 3 Seconds have past you will be
able to click "Install", do so.

4. Click Install

5. Click Install

Step 5.
After a few seconds have past the Add-ons window should look like the
one in the image below, this time it will have a button that says
"Restart Firefox", click that button. After doing so Firefox will close and

6. Restart Firefox

Step 6.
When Firefox starts back up it will open a page similar to the one pictured below.
On this page click the little circle to the left of "EasyList(USA)", then click the "Subscribe" button at the lower right corner of the page. This subscribes you to a
list of ad definitions that is constantly update, this is similar to the way your antivirus program gets updates about new virus.

7. Select subscription
Congratulations you have successfully installed AdBlock Plus, This will be subtile at first but after a few days of using it you will notice that your additude about that internet has improved a bit.

The Pirate Bay - Before

The Pirate Bay Before AdBlock Plus

The Pirate Bay - After

The Pirate Bay After AdBlock Plus
Google Search - Before

Google Web Search Before AdBlock Plus
Google Search - After

Google Web Search After AdBlock Plus
YouTube - Before

YouTube Before AdBlock Plus
YouTube - After

YouTube After AdBlock Plus

1 comment:

Becca said...

AWESOME! thanks! i did it and it all went away :)