Sunday, November 18, 2007

Zire Handheld

This picture was taken with the Zire handheld. I think it is useful to have a camera attached to a handheld. You can use the camera for many business and personal tasks. I enjoyed using the Zire handheld very much, but the image clarity leaves something to be desired. The main feature that sets it apart from a smart phone is that you can view and edit MS Word documents. I liked the keyboard to, it allow a much greater degree of productivity. It was like a tiny computer. However even if I ice the budget I would not buy one, at this time if I can't do something on my phone I will use my laptop. The main reason is that I don't want to carry a bunch of devices on my person, I want one device that does everything, the Zire handheld is not that device. It does not allow me to make calls or send e-mail.

1 comment:

Bus Ed Prof said...

Convergence tools like Trio phone, blackberry, or iPhone would allow one to have more features on one tool---so one doesn't have to carry around several items. Right now, I have a cell phone, digital camera, tablet, and a paper calendar (which I prefer over a handheld calendar).