Monday, February 21, 2011

TwitterBar, Ok now I will Tweet regularly and impulsively

 TwitterBar, an extension for Firefox and Google Chrome that allows you to post tweets from the address bar in Firefox or a very simple dialog box in Google Chrome. I have screen shots of how this is done is Google Chrome because in the Firefox version is so simple it needs no instructions, not that the Google Chrome version is complicated or anything.

Either way here is a link to the browser extensions:
Google Chrome:

Some of the nice features these extensions offer:
  • Tweet includes a link to what ever page is open in your browser
  • Automatic URL shortener using using
  • Easy to post links without leaving your current browser window

Here is what it looks like in my Google Chrome browser (I have a theme and a few other add-ons)

Click the little bluebird to the right of the address bar

Then in the dialog type your tweet, 
at the right it tells you how many characters left

Then click the bluebird and you have posted to twitter!